My favorite way to describe a doula is like a birth sherpa, someone who has walked the path and can help people navigate the twists and turns of this particular journey. You still have to walk the path yourself, but you aren’t alone! Having that presence, someone who believes in you and your desires can be just the bit of empowerment a person needs to be able to speak out for what they want. In both my doula role and my yoga teacher role, my goal is to show people just how strong and capable they can be and empower them to listen to their bodies. People seem most drawn to my unique and playful voice. There’s a time for yoga and birth to be serious, introspective, and spiritually strengthening! There’s also a time for them to be exuberant, cheerful, and carefree. I enjoy helping clients embrace the humor in situations that put our bodies and minds in maybe previously untouched positions! Sometimes a little break from the serious can help us remember the inherent joy possible in these moments!