Tiombe Bowman / Certified Doula in New York City, New York

My experience is extensive, with over 100 births attended throughout the tri-state area, including births of multiples. Unknowingly, I was providing postpartum doula services to my friends years before I actually got into the profession. As a mom who had her two children later in life, I assisted many of my friends with their children in postpartum care. This seemed like such a natural and organic process that I knew this was the career path I wanted to pursue! From the postpartum doula role I expanded to the birth doula and have enjoyed providing new and experienced moms and families with care and support. My belief is that no mother should give birth alone, nor should she be unsupported when she comes home with her newborn!


Advocate Aromatherapist Bereavement Support Birth And Postpartum Doula Services Birth Consultation 2 Birth Doula Birth Planning Session 3 Certified Baby Care Specialist Certified Babywearing Consultant Certified Lactation Counselor Certified Prenatal Childbirth Class Childbirth Education Childbirth Educator Class Offered- Practicals On Preparing For Natural Childbirth Emotional Extrovert First Time Mom Introvert Lactation Support Massage Maternity And Newborn Photography New Parent Classes Newborn Care Specialist Over 35 Placenta Encapsulation Specalist Postpartum Doula Postpartum Planning Prenatal And Postpartum Visits Professional Infant Care Provider Trained Hypno-birth Doula
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