Beata Pryszcz / Certified Doula in Zephyrhills, Florida

Personable and reliable Certified Newborn Care Specialist who has worked with mothers and newborns for the past fifteen years. Outstanding skills in understanding the newborn's needs, and knowledge in assisting them and their families in achieving the optimal childcare experience. Over the years, I have expanded my professional education in the areas of baby sleep, nutrition, massage, and language to enhance my care of newborns. With this experience, I have gained a deeper insight into the new mothers' needs. To achieve the best care for newborns and their families, I have additionally acquired certifications and training in the postpartum doula and lactation fields. Influenced by my education and teaching experience in science, I use the evidence based-approach to these tasks to assure the highest standards of baby care and development.


Adult And Infant CPR Classes Aromatherapist Bereavement Support Birth And Postpartum Doula Services Certified Baby Care Specialist Certified Lactation Counselor First Time Mom Infant Massage Instructor Lactation Support Massage Newborn Care Specialist Postpartum Doula Postpartum Planning Professional Infant Care Provider Single Parent Teen
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