Julie Burns, RN, CLD, HCHD / Certified Doula in Littleton, Colorado

Hello expectant mama!
My name is Julie Burns and I am a highly experienced labor doula practicing in the Littleton and Southwest Denver area. I have served over 800 satisfied couples since 1996, and the Caesarian rate of my total clients is easily under 10%!
Call today to find out more about my services, and to see if I’m the best doula for you!


Active Colorado Registered Nurse Since 1997 Adult And Infant CPR Classes Advocate Aromatherapist Birth Consultation 2 Birth Doula Birth Photographer Birth Planning Session 3 Emotional Evidence Based Birth Instructor First Time Mom Homebirth Informational Support Introvert Lactation Support Massage Medically Complicated Pregnancy Over 35 Physical Prenatal And Postpartum Visits Registered Nurse And Hypnobabies Certified Doula Sexual Abuse Survivor Single Parent Teen Trained Hypno-birth Doula VBAC
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