Sandra Crawford / Certified Doula in Rochelle, Virginia

I am honored to serve families of Charlottesville and Central Virginia as a DONA certified doula and Evidence Based Birth® Instructor. I am here to support you through pregnancy, birth and postpartum by offering hands-on services as well as the information, tools and resources that will help you confidently make decisions along the way. Please do not let my fees discourage you from contacting me - I'm more than happy to work with you to help you afford a doula.


Adult And Infant CPR Classes Babywearing Education Birth And Postpartum Doula Services Birth Consultation 2 Birth Doula Birth Planning Session 3 Childbirth Class Childbirth Education Childbirth Educator Evidence Based Birth Instructor First Time Mom Homebirth Informational Support Lactation Support Medically Complicated Pregnancy New Parent Classes Newborn Care Education Postpartum Doula Postpartum Planning Prenatal And Postpartum Visits Rebozo Certified
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